Thursday, July 5, 2012

A 10-Minute Workout Can Help You Lose Belly Fat

Are you wondering about ‘How to lose belly fat’ without really joining a gym and shelling out a fortune? In that case, the cardiovascular fitness regime created by Keli Roberts that requires high energy would really prove to be a good choice for you. The duration of this exercise routine is just ten minutes and it can help you burn up to 150 calories on a daily basis.

The first minute consists of exercising with a jump rope. For each turn of the rope you need to perform two jumps. It is recommended that you get a jump rope that is long enough for your height and ensure that the landing is a smooth one, meaning on the balls of the feet instead of the heel. Motivate yourself by saying to yourself that you are losing weight.

In the second and third minutes, you would need to perform squat thrusts transformed into push-ups. No ‘How to lose belly fat’ exercise regime is complete without this one. Stand with your feet apart and your arms resting straight down on your sides. Now squat down while extending your head forward and use your hands to touch the spot on the floor that is just outside your feet. Make sure your hands are pointing in the forward direction as well. Now quickly switch your position by pushing your legs back and out behind you, almost like a push-up position. Now do a strict push-up and then go back into the squat position and then stand up straight. Think about the fats burning off with this move.

Next minute consists of using the jump rope again, but for only one jump with each turn of rope, while all the time thinking about the fats which would be melting away.

During the fourth and fifth minute you should go back to the squat thrust transformed into push-ups move. This time around you need to add the side plank move. With this move, you won’t have to look for another ‘how to lose belly fat’ regime because it is so effective. Once you complete the squat thrust and push up move, lift your left arm up in the air and bring it over your head. At the same time you need to rotate your left foot so that it would rest on top of the right foot. The third thing that should be rotating is your neck and you will be looking up to the ceiling. Once all this is complete return back to the center position and do the same for the other side before hopping back into the squat position and standing back up. 

Once again this is followed by the jump rope routine in the fifth and sixth minute for one jump per turn.
For the sixth and seven minute you should go back to the squat-thrust-push-up move with an addition of the leg lift. After doing the entire move including your push-up you will have to lift the toes of one of your feet and keep it steady at a height that is at least twelve inches off the ground. Hold it steady for some time and then bring it back down and do the same for the other foot. Now go back to the squat position and return to standing on your feet. Bid adieu to your belly with this ‘how to lose belly fat’ move.

It is the same one-jump-per-turn with the jump rope again during the seventh and eighth minute after which the eighth and ninth minute entail adding mountain climbers to the move right after your push up. When performing mountain climbers your knee should reach up to your chest. Five jogs should be done for this one. 

With the ninth and tenth minute in which you would be required to do the single jump per turn regime again your first cycle comes to an end. If you repeat this everyday then it is just a matter of time before you will have lost maximum of your stomach fat in a short duration.

Veracity of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Exercise Program

The problem of having an abundance of fitness gurus in the industry who come up with different exercise programs from time to time is that people tend to get confused by the sheer number of options and often end up questioning their validity. While searching for legitimate exercise programs they keep an eye out for experienced gurus offering nutrition information in addition to a work-out schedule. In this context, Tom Venuto and his program ‘Burn the fat feed the muscle’ pops up as one of the most effective for weight loss/weight maintenance.

Venuto has been in the fitness industry since 1989 and in addition to being a bodybuilder who doesn’t believe in using steroids, he is also a nutrition researcher. He makes active contribution to the fitness industry by coming up with exercise and nutrition programs. A majority of programs conceived by him in the past have received positive reviews and were accepted by the general public. Obviously, these programs are reflective of his immense experience in the field which is why they are so effective. 

Tom Venuto is a manager, fitness model, consultant and also a coach at a health club. The two bestselling books written by him ‘Burn the fat’ and ‘Feed the muscle’ have helped a lot of people to shed those unwanted extra pounds. If you like the Burn the fat feed the muscle program then you should also look for digital teleseminars by Venuto online. He also has a membership website offering information, expert advice and support for those who are interested in staying fit and acquiring a good physique. 

So what makes Tom’s work different from those of his competitors? Well, the main point of distinction is that the fitness programs offered by Tom aren’t ‘generalized’, meaning they are customized as per individual requirements. So in a way they are compatible with anyone and everyone because he understands the fact that everybody isn’t the same. As an authority on the subject, Tom chalks out an appropriate diet for each individual and that is why those trying out his program are often successful. He teaches them how to work out in order to improve on fitness and convert the slim figure from dream to reality.  

Burn the fat feed the muscle’ weight loss program concentrates on the excessive amounts of deposited fats in our bodies. Using this as a medium, the maker also discusses about vitamins, calories and macro-nutrition while explaining about the diet which would suit a particular body type in the best possible way. A major portion of Venuto’s book focuses on explaining the concept of nourishment to the readers who are enlightened about nutritional information and calories chart inclusive of tables and information about fats, proteins, meals, carbohydrates, etc. You will also find a progress chart along with the book to track your progress when you are trying out Venuto’s program.

In addition to the ‘Burn the fat feed the muscle’ program, you can go online and make use of the recipes and calculators present there. It is recommended that you should visit the website often because it contains ample amount of easy-to-understand content for all regardless of whether the program is being followed. This particular program is good for anyone irrespective of their fitness goals, age and gender. However, it is aimed at the group of people who are interested in getting a toned body replete with curves. Thus you should surely try this program if you are interested in losing weight and building more muscle in the process.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Non-Biased Turbulence Training Review

I promise you that this Turbulence Training review is not going to be anything like the other reviews floating about on the internet because I have actually followed the program and hence am in a position to give you a first-hand account. By following my review you will be able to understand what it is all about and whether or not it would suit you and your specific needs.

Honestly speaking, I was just like you – all along I have been extremely hesitant when it comes to trying out packages that make huge promises and claims similar to the Turbulence Training program. Even though the testimonials and stories of customers were extremely compelling, I just couldn’t bring myself to believe that it was genuine. Moreover, the fact that an individual can lose a substantial amount of weight by engaging in interval training and thirty minutes of strength training with this program did not seem very legitimate to me.
However, I managed to push aside my doubts and I bought the 30-day trial offer which costs a mere USD 5. After becoming a trial member, I got entry to the training program and I also had access to certain web-pages on the website which can be accessed only if you are a member.

Even though this is just a Turbulence Training review, I will let you in on a secret. The ‘members-only’ area of the website is nothing but an open marketplace for Platinum members of Turbulence Training to socialize and share ideas and thoughts with one another. What I did not expect was that the creator of Turbulence Training, Craig Ballantyne, would respond my question personally. I had some doubts about the training program and he answered them in detail. In addition, he went on to inform me about the modifications that could be made in certain workout sessions in case the right equipment was lacking.

Since I promised you an unbiased Turbulence Training review, let me admit that I was feeling a positive change in my body during the first month of use itself. I could tell that I had lost a couple of pounds with the trial program. This motivated me to go for the full training course and I paid the remaining amount and became a Platinum member. Being a Platinum member means that you will be able to get access to current as well as future courses as long as your membership is active.

To be completely honest, I didn’t have any drastic transformation but I did manage to get rid of forty pounds in six months’ time, which is very impressive in my opinion. However, I stopped exercising and reverted to my old ways for the following two years, which made me gain back much of the flab that I had shed.
Exercise and healthy diet go hand in hand, so if you are thinking of trying out the Turbulence Training program you will have to eat healthy. Although this is a Turbulence Training review, I will go out on a limb and say that only following this training program isn’t going to work - you need to eat healthy and avoid ingesting more calories in your body than you can burn.

If you are interested in embarking on this program then you should do it for three days a week, and allot an hour for each day’s regime. In this way you can allow your body to undergo super-set weight training as well as interval training, thus gaining muscle strength and losing belly fat simultaneously.